7th December 2018
By admin_Liquona
Get to know our Animation Lead and Technical Lead here at Liquona. We’ve asked Dan some of the key questions that clients and budding animators will want to know!
Animating, motion graphics, all things After Effects related really. I’m always chatting with Producers and Account Managers checking things are on track and reviewing projects to check they are the highest quality and they match the brief, budget and timeframe.
Pitch and scoping work is also brought into my day to day workflow and on top of all this I’m also checking in and problem solving tech issues around the office.
Animation. The way things move. Questioning – why do they move in this way, are they starting and stopping in the right way? It’s important to realise that things never just stop in a rigid fashion – if animated in that way it can look robotic and not pleasing on the eye.
I love 2D and 3D animation but different areas of each. I enjoy using C4D’s physical camera’s depth of field to add a sense of realism to the animation. Without it, you have no sense of depth and the focus of the animation, in my opinion, can get lost.
A dream project for me to work on would be any project where the client gives us creative freedom to come up with something that’s new and ground breaking. I would love to spend more time creating something that flows really nicely, with some jaw dropping transitions from scene to scene.
I’m not just an animation lead, I’m a massive geek and gamer at heart with pretty much every console under the sun. I’m currently playing a few different games – RedDead Redemption2 (which is just a beautiful game to play), COD BO2 and a few more games on the switch. Saying that – I do love getting outside as well – spending time in the garden and growing a range of chillies, beans and tomatoes (just to name a few) in my garden.
Being observant in my daily job has definitely translated into the outside world. I find when I’m watching TV with my wife I get easily annoyed as I spot GVs dropped in to cover cuts, bad continuity errors on J-Cuts and pick ups in recordings of voice overs. I have to force myself to stop pointing them out to family and friends as I don’t want to ruin shows or films for the other people who are enjoying them. As my wife says ‘don’t point out annoying things if they’ll annoy me too’ which I totally understand.
Follow us on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) to keep up to date with some of Dan’s incredible work. You’ll find some stunningly creative visuals on our Instagram page.