18th April 2012
By admin_Liquona
It’s been a couple of weeks since our last video and Aprils Fools day has passed, this odd event on the western calendar is quickly become a time where all the biggest companies and websites in the world try to out do each other in terms of how many people they can actually fool. I think Google where the big winner this year with their whole host of great ‘pranks’ and videos all of which can be seen here. Our favourites were the 8-bit google maps and the ability to try out their ‘multi-task‘ feature which is pretty funny.
But among the rather large amount of April Fools gags we did find a lot of really great videos online that we thought we’d share with you.
Another great April Fools video conjured up by a good friend of mine. A great idea that managed to get very viral in a matter of hours. We love how convincing some of the members of the general public are (and that some people actually thought this was real)
We love a good Viral video here at Liquona and this one is probably one of the best we’ve seen. Definitely worth a watch even if it’s just for some of the general publics classic reactions during this one. Wouldn’t be able to get away with this kind of thing in the UK thats for sure!
THIS is how you do interactive viral videos. Tippex have done it before to great success and this is a continuation of that. Some brilliant ideas and some really funny moments, but you’ve got to press one of the buttons at the end of this video to enjoy it.
A massive, incredibly impressive machine that in no less that 300 moves can blow up a balloon. Reminds us of the OK Go video for ‘This Too Shall Pass‘
James Cameron has recently re-released Titanic in the cinemas ‘re-imagined’ in full 3D. We’re not the biggest fans of 3D as we mentioned last year in our blog here. This video however parodies the ‘immersiveness’ of 3D as well as parodying other directors like JJ Abrams for his over use of lens flare and Michael Bay for his over use of explosions. A very, very funny video and well put together.
Sony revealed their new Sony Fs700 camera a couple weeks ago to a stunned videographer online audience, we wrote about it here and were very, very impressed. In this video cinematographer James Miller get the chance to have a play with one on Londons iconic south bank.
A video for Dubstep producer Benga that utilises stop motion animation and 960 vinyl records to create the tracks waveform. It’s immensely clever and as one of the comments says below the video “I wish we’d thought of that”.
A great take on Zombie films. This tells the tale of a fallen WW1 soldier that awakens and makes his way back to America to rest in piece with his wife in the ground. It’s a bit weird but very sweet. Cinematography and colour grade is fantastic as well.
A creative advert to get driver to slow down on the roads in order to save lives.