17th March 2021
By admin_Liquona
A big Zoom wave to you! Are you looking for a cracking new film but can’t get everyone in one place to do it due to Covid? Fear not. We’re experts at producing stylish and engaging films with User Generated Content (UGC).
The key to this is having a really good production process.
We’re using our work with Talion as a case study for the power of directed user generated content, as a way to overcome filming during the pandemic. Talion are a cyber security services company, who specialise in protecting businesses from cyber attacks. Watch the film we made for them here.
The journey with our client, Talion, began with the film concept that involved filming at their cyber security hub. But, thanks to Covid, this was cancelled. Neither of us wanted to leave it there. So, we bashed heads and came up with a creative way to make a film that was both Covid safe and didn’t compromise on the quality of the output.
(Click here to see how we keep Covid safe when live filming is permitted).
We tweaked the script a little and gave an online masterclass to all contributors. We created a bespoke video on how to film yourself at home with the best phone settings, angle, light and delivery. Our virtual directing meant we could aid the contributors as needed. For instance, we encouraged them to dial up the enthusiasm, and reminded them to look straight down the camera lens. After this – they really will be future selfie kings!
The clips then started to flood in and they were checked for quality, framing and delivery. Rarely did we need to go back to contributors for a re-record. The beauty of directed UGC is that issues like sound quality or delivery can be smoothed out easily. We were able to give feedback directly to the contributor, and it was done in a matter of hours!
In many ways, the pressure was off for the contributors as they could record as many takes as they liked. Likewise, what’s better than filming from the comfort of your own home?
After filming, we went straight on to the edit. Any successful UGC film uses visuals to enhance the final cut. Of course, we are experts in sourcing beautiful archive that doesn’t feel generic.
So, what made this UGC really stand out? Well, we brought various elements together through the stylish graphic template that we’d created. We utilised the Talion’s branded colours and logo to create a film that looks and feels unique to the Talion brand.
Worried about filming yourself? Fear not. We’ve found that contributors really enjoy the process … and it gives them a break from the norm! They were also proud of being involved in the creation of a great film.
Contact us below to enquire about remote filming and user generated content
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