28th May 2012
By admin_Liquona
A new collection of the best videos we’ve found on the web recently. Big mixture this week, some music videos, entire films (in fast forward), comedy sketches, short films and more. Something for everyone.
Probably one of the most instantly recognizable TV theme songs was performed on the BBC’s Graham Norton show recently. And you can tell Will loved it. And he is right, there is something about TV that sticks with you.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ll likely be aware of the Premiership title race coming down to a wire a couple of weeks ago. Man Utd thought they’d won the premiership at the end of their game with Sunderland but two late goals from Man City proved otherwise. This video contains some pretty hilarious fan reactions from both sides of the fence.
If you’ve ever seen the film Sin City you’ll know it’s a highly stylized special effects laden film but what happens when you take all those effects away. Well here’s a clip from the directors cut DVD containing the entire film but without any of the keying, grading and more done to it. It’s quite interesting if you’ve seen the film and if not it’s quite interesting to see how green screen films are made.
Another great music video from the directors at DANIELS. Again featuring Foster The People (something very bad happens to them pretty early on in the video). DANIELS continually make completely unique and clever music videos and it’s well worth checking out their website.
A great comedy sketch about a mother who gets the wrong batman to entertain her kids birthday party
This videos been doing the viral rounds lately. It features the uber cool Phantom Flex camera shooting lots of things exploding at 2500fps. Enjoy.
A superb short film about several people all turning up for duel at the same spot. The films is brilliantly acted and extremely well written as well as being hilarious. Well worth a watch. And watch out for the surprise ending too!
Another music video, this time from music video director and singer songwriter Woodkid. A massive orchestral tunes combined with uniquely stylized films are always good in my book. Contender for music video of the year.