21st November 2011
By admin_Liquona
Here’s our pick of the latest awesome videos we’ve found online. This week we’re going to start with something spectacular…
Possibily the most amazing video you’ll ever see… ever. The awe-inspiring beauty of our planet from space is certainly something to be admired. Congrats to the people that shot and edited this, I’m going to do my hardest to make the images from this my screensaver/desktop/iPhone wallpaper and more.
They say 48 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute and we’re willing to bet that the majority of those are pet videos. We think this Pug is an avid Windows fan.
A film about bullying, superbly shot with a powerful message. As a warning, there is some strong language involved in this from about halfway.
Love them or hate them no one can deny that Coldplay have a talent for writing catchy tunes and that they have a great sense of humour, be it their appearance recently on Saturday Night Live in America where they play along in a sketch or this funny little video for their new single ‘Paradise’
The coming of Christmas was usually marked by the arrival of the Coke adverts on TV. Now it seems John Lewis has other ideas and wants to take that title as bring of Christmas with the adorable advert that was broadcast during the XFactor commercials.