Precision treatment and up to date information is critical in modern healthcare.
The client was on a mission to transform how healthcare professionals (HCPs) access and reference dosing information for their particular treatment.
Traditionally PDFs would have been distributed with visuals of the human body, information and references.
But could the client have a live, interactive model of the entire human body accessible online, featuring dozens of precise treatment areas as something highly visual that could be quickly updated and added to?
But that’s only because it didn’t exist yet and nothing quite like this had been done before.
This project wasn’t just about creating a digital version of a dosing manual. It was about providing real-time guidance and interactive visualisation, putting accurate information at the fingertips of those that needed it, wherever they were in the world.
In the discover stage we established:
The tool’s core purpose was to streamline dosing guidance, and allow rapid visual navigation to the required part of the anatomy.
The functionality required: Interactive dosage calculators, robust accessibility features for quicker download speeds, easily accessed medical references.
The tool needed to be translated not only for language, but also for different SmPC information, references and approved treatment areas dependent on the local market.
We made it as a progressive web app so it can be both embedded as an iframe in online medical portals and also downloaded like a native app and work offline for locations where being online is not always possible, but the app will always check for updates when connected to the internet.