27th March 2014
By admin_Liquona
Once you get away from the nice things about the internet (online shopping, Facebook, Netflix, videos where puppies and toddlers make friends), it’s not unfair to say that as far as businesses are concerned, it’s a massive, cavernous wormhole where it can be incredibly difficult to make any impression or stand out in any way. It’s a bit of a catch-22 situation – your business needs to be on the internet because everyone else’s businesses are and you’re therefore giving away an advantage, but because everyone else’s businesses are online you’re fighting a constant battle with them to gain new customers.
It’s not ideal, but you’ll probably have some sort of PPC or SEO campaign set up to try and get yourself as high up the search engine results rankings as possible. That’s a good start, but there’s a secret that you can take advantage of with help from us to really get things going on your website: making a corporate video. Take a look at our corporate video production services. We won’t go through the process, but we will explain why you should be looking to create your own video to be hosted on your website and subsequently on sites like YouTube and Vimeo.
For a start, they don’t cost the earth to produce, so there’s very little financial risk involved on your part, but the main thing you should consider is the amount of information that you can get across in a video, as opposed to a page of text. People respond more to visual information than they do to text (when they can skim-read and not take everything in), which a video obviously has in abundance. Our figures show that videos have a direct, positive impact on sales, and we’ve had repeated business from clients who have reaped the benefits of initial pieces that we’ve created – can you think of a reason not to give it a go?