11th October 2016
By admin_Liquona
Shortcuts may not always be the best in life, but when it comes to post production (or any computer usage for that matter) they can save a lot of time and frustration in your workflow. We’re letting you in to our top secret tips, and giving you some of our Premiere Pro Shortcuts. Enjoy creating!
When it comes to video editing, many people prefer the shortcuts they first started with – Avid, Final Cut and Premiere being the most common. At Liquona, we currently use Premiere which allows you to use any of those three shortcut standards. There’s even a shortcut to get to the shortcuts panel! Don’t forget that you can customise your shortcuts there: add new ones, swap ones out that don’t suit you, etc. Make the most of it.
My preference has been the Premiere standard (makes sense when I’m using the software) and I work on a Mac. If you don’t, swap out cmd for ctrl and option for alt if you’re on Windows. Here’s a run down of the (not as common) ones I personally find most useful.
Adds cross dissolves to any item on a video layer you have selected. Select the whole item and it’ll add dissolves to both ends (provided it’s not touching another clip), or select one end if you just want one (works when touching other clips too).
Very useful for a quick and standard fade in/out.
Bonus facts – cmd+shift+D does the same for audio clips and you can change the default transition by right clicking on the one you want in the effects panel.
Adds a new marker on your sequence, or selected item(s) where your player head is.
Markers in general are a wonderful way of transferring feedback into a sequence, using the notes section and colour coding to see instantly what type of a note you’ve made. Also very handy to mark where you get up to when working linearly through footage, such as interviews – particularly if you have to leave a project mid flow.
Q ripple trims the previous edit point to your playhead and W does the same but for your next edit point.
This is a super useful Premier Pro shortcut for cutting down tonnes of interview footage and the like. It effectively changes your in and out points to speedily remove directors’ questions and interviewee stumbles so you end up with just the content you want and need.
These have massively sped up this stage of editing for me.
These will move your playhead to the previous and next edit points respectively.
Great for navigating your timeline but this will only work on ‘toggled tracks’ (ones highlighted blue) – just click on the V(number) area to toggle those on and off and you can zip up and down your timeline with no trouble!
Now these last two are ones I have added myself. They are listed in the Premiere short cuts panel and I highly recommend you assign keys to them.
Renders selection.
Great for checking a certain section works without having to use in and out points or rendering the entire sequence.
Renders entire work area (not just effects).
Very useful for higher res footage (we work a lot with 4K) which is struggling to playback smoothly. Turns all that red and yellow bar into a beautiful green one!
If you’re not a dab hand at Premiere Pro, even with our handy guide for shortcuts above, then get in touch here.We’ll produce, direct, and cut your video with our expert team of creatives.