21st January 2013
By admin_Liquona
It is so important in all film productions to think about lighting. Lighting on set, no matter how subtle, is a vital part to building any scene. Each video production whether a full film, talking head video, or even a live stream and virtual event requires careful consideration for lighting.
Take this image:
Lighting helps to separate the talent from the background. Simple backlights are used on either side to illuminate Tim Hughes, and give him a key line around the outside of his head and shoulders. This video lighting tactic is often used in interviews to create drama, as well as allow viewers to focus on the individual.
So many of the tools used in film and video production are designed to increase the quality of the image that the viewer sees. These are the same tools that the broadcast TV industry use – and many of them the viewer wouldn’t even notice!
These tricks of the trade are the reasons why a professional video production company will produce higher standard of video. At Liquona, lighting is one part of production that we take very seriously – it can transform a flat, dull, image into a dynamic and detailed scene.
One of the most common problems when filming, is the issue of too much light from the sun.
Unfortunately, we can’t turn it off with the flick of a switch. That’s where lighting control comes in!
We created a video for our client, ‘Yoga and Pilates with Maddy‘. The doors were over exposed, and while in person they looked glorious bathing in sunshine, it was a different story on screen. Our producers fixed ND filter to the outside of the doors to reduce the light coming in through them.
At Liquona, we understand what is required to create a successful video, with perfectly curated lighting. We’ll also advise you on all your needs!