3rd August 2012
By admin_Liquona
Here we are filming a Yoga and Pilates DVD in the beautiful Surrey Hills. The production is quite basic with two cameras and lighting setup. The wide camera is on a wally dolly and provides the interest in the shot. The closeup will not be used very much in the edit, but provides a different angle of the action.
The biggest challenge on this shoot was the light. Filming indoors with the sun shining outside is always difficult. We had to put ND (Neutral Density) filters on the windows to reduce the difference between inside and outside. The key light was provided by a 2k blond light and the fill was a 650 Arri.
If the action was close to the floor then we dropped the wide shot down to provide a great angle. We added the flowers here to provide a bit of foreground interest to the shot.
The video production shoot wasn’t just inside. One of the scenes was shot with this awesome backdrop of the Surrey hills. The light here is helping to provide the fill light when the sun was in and out.
The DVD should be finished in time for Christmas!