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Understanding the unique needs of the not-for-profit and charity sector, content needs to deliver.


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We are multi award winning at membership communications because we understand the unique challenges in the membership sector.


Creating engaging but compliant content in the Finance sector. From DRTV adverts to web apps and recruitment.


Understanding the unique needs of the not-for-profit and charity sector, content needs to deliver.


Experts in Healthcare comms for over 12 years. With hundreds of projects under our belt.


We are multi award winning at membership communications because we understand the unique challenges in the membership sector.

Video production

Live action, animation, 3D photo realistic renders.

Virtual reality

360 and VR content designed to engage with audiences.

Webinars and live streaming

Online event experts, cost effective solutions for webinars.

TV ads

DRTV adverts, TV adverts and branded content.

Web apps

Expert developers at bespoke web apps for a multitude of applications.

Website development

Website design and build services.

Social media

Social media content, activation, and strategy.

Podcast production

Audio and video podcast experts in production and publication.


Creative thinking around your strategic challenges.

Best of the Web #10

9th March 2012

By admin_Liquona

Best of the Web #10

Another eclectic look at some of the best videos we’ve found on the web this week. Old and new there’s something for everyone be it music videos to rally driver Ken Block screeching around corners faster than he probably should.

Youth Lagoon, Montana

A great music video by the act Youth Lagoon for the track Montana. These plays out more like a feature film squashed into 3 minutes rather than a music video. The story is about as non-linear as it gets, flashing back and forth with the story but it’s still pretty easy to follow. The directing is great and the performances from the actors is to. But the thing I personally love most about this is the post production. It’s relatively simple when you compare it to a lot of other music videos but the power that can be felt later in the song when it’s cutting to the beat is something else. A great song and a moving music video.

The Shins, Simple Song

Another music video for you and this one again is really rather amazing. Directed by the uber-talented American outfit Daniels this tells the story of 4 children all back in the family home to collect the information from a will from their late father. What ensues is a hilarious little music video with imaginative transitions and a great ending. Another video that feels like a film, only this one with its subject feels a little like a Wes Anderson film. Not that its in any way a bad thing. We love it!

KONY 2012

If you’ve got a spare 30 minutes (and if you don’t then make some time!) then this documentary from Invisible Children about the terrible Joseph Kony is well worth a watch. His army the LRA have been abducting tens of thousands of children to become child soldiers from northern Uganda for over 20 years now and Invisible Children have been for a while now trying to persuade the US government to do something about it. They’ve had some success in the past but with this video they want to try and persuade the entire nation to accelerate his capture. They’re also utilising social media like pros. As I write this it’s all over Twitter, Facebook and more. The video currently has over 6.2 million hits on Vimeo and just shy of two million on YouTube and that’s in two days. Social Media has been used for so much good recently and it’s great to see people around the world unite for a common goal.

The Last Man on Earth

Moving on from moving charity videos to a bit of black comedy now. This is a short film from Brit director Carlo Ortu about, as the title suggests, the last man on earth. It’s only two minutes long and if you have a penchant for dark humour such as myself it’s well worth a watch.


You remember hearing about the craze that went round for a bit last year called ‘Planking’? Where you make your body as stiff as a… er… well a plank then lie down in unusual place. Well we didn’t find it that funny either neither did the guys from LA short filmmakers, 5 Second Films. But this one from Brit YouTube star ‘DarkSquidge’. Enjoyable and only 9 seconds long.

Mario and Nette

So the widely anticipated video camera, the Canon 5DMkIII finally got announced last week and with it came a host of demo videos showing off it’s capabilities. This was our favourite of the those new videos.

Robots peform James Bond song

I think the masters of creative music video OK Go have got their work cut out for them now. Won’t be long before these robots are out performing them. They’re not remote control either, they’re completely autonomous. If the robot revolution is this musical then I’ll be all for bowing to our metal overlords.

Somebody I Used To Know cover parody

If you haven’t heard this track then you either live in a cave or simply don’t listen to the radio. The well known YouTube cover of it is nearly as famous as well. The Walk Of The Earth cover gained over 60 million hits in a lot less time than it took the original version to get their. Probably because of their very unique performance of it. You can watch that version here.
But like all things that get famous on the internet fast the parodies of it weren’t far behind. This one being the most accurate and funniest.

Ken Block – Gymkhana 4

Something for the petrol heads and anyone that loves car stunts now. Ken Block is a pretty good rally driver but he’s recently got incredibly famous over his Gymkhana videos where he screeches around in his suped up Ford performing all kinds of trick that would make normal people shake with fear just thinking about. In this one he’s bombing it around Universal Studios in LA so there’s plenty of film sets rushing past and it even features a cameo from YouTube stars Epic Meal Time. Enjoy.

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