15th March 2013
By admin_Liquona
Take this infographic and turn it into a visually engaging animation.
The motion graphics must be true to these graphics to keep ensure the video sits well with existing communications. We always ensure that any video production by Liquona is not just in line with other communications and branding, but helps build our clients brand.
To make the animation make sense, we decided to set the animation in a short story filmed in a cafe. This is a very simple story of somebody reading a magazine in a cafe.
For the animation we needed to film the magazine with a blank centrefold. The dots that you can see in the above image were to help with the motion tracking and would be removed in the edit.
Filming in London presents many challenges. The cafe was busy and obviously a very popular cafe! (Haberdashery Cafe)
Many of the challenges centred around health and safety on location. In a public cafe we had 3k watts of lighting, often high up. It’s therefore essential to have all cables secured and have multiple sandbags on each light.
All of the post-production for this project was done using Adobe After Effects.
The animation work took around two weeks to complete. Take a look at our animation services.
To find out how we can help you with your film production projects contact us today.