Corporate Social Responsibility
Award Winning Corporate Social Responsibility
We believe that in order to make films that are the best they can be, our business needs to be run in the best way it can be. This requires staff who are fulfilled in their jobs, believe in every aspect of the business and who get excited about the difference being in our business makes. We are creating social change through the way we run our business. Getting this right from the start makes it endemic as the company grows. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) isn’t just an ‘add on’ it drives us.
You can take a look below at all the ways we engage with our local community, from our annual 25th Day to charitable support and work placements.
The 25th Day
We all get an extra day’s annual paid leave (the 25th day), to spend helping a charity or project of our choice. See some of our previous 25th Day’s below!
After a few years off with COVID interruptions we’re back with our 25th day, this time at the Leatherhead Community Hub
Plastic is hot on the agenda at the moment. In 2019 we spent our 25th day picking up plastic on West Wittering beach
In 2017 we supported our local charity SeeAbility.
2013 – 2016
From 2013 to 2016 we spent our 25th Day supporting local Besom projects. This entailed the clearing and decorating homes for vulnerable people who are less able to help themselves. This was an incredible experience, and we loved getting stuck in.
“We have never before had a group of business people offering their time to do a project. It was great to see a whole team making a difference to the lives of local people who were genuinely in need of help, and to do it with so much love and care.” Julia Brand – Besom
The LIQUONA Charitable Fund
We believe in the power of video and love to help charities with their video communications (see some of our examples). Good video gives a ‘Return on Investment’, but we appreciate that for some organisations even a small investment is still beyond budget. Ergo, we use a portion of our profits to finance film production for grassroots charities.
More information on our Charitable Fund can be found here.
“Working with LIQUONA has given us the opportunity to make a video about our Charity which we otherwise couldn’t have done. Their expertise and generosity has meant we can confidently and creatively share our story. We are genuinely hugely grateful! The video looks so good! HUGE thanks to LIQUONA for the generosity, hard work and superb quality of the film. We’re really pleased and it will help us hugely to show people what we’re about.” Naomi Moore, B@titude
Work Placements
We want to help others develop skills and confidence in the workplace and the film production industry. This means that we regularly offer work placements for those looking to get started in media production, and have also partnered with the Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation (QEF) to offer work placement for those with disabilities. You can read about Oliver’s story below; he came to us from QEF for work experience across several months.
“I saw a huge, positive change in Oliver during his time at LIQUONA – especially when, at the end of his QEF programme, they asked if he would still like to come on a part time basis. This boosted his confidence and self-esteem again.
Oliver now has his first job, I do not think he would have been able to take such a step without all he had learnt at LIQUONA. All of us at QEF are grateful to LIQUONA in helping Oliver find success.” Lori White, QEF
Child Sponsorship

We sponsor Maykol in Haiti, to help lift his family out of poverty. Our sponsorship provides Maykol with health check ups, his schooling and nutrition. We take it in turns to write to Maykol every month to encourage him and ask about his life there, and tell stories about life in the LIQUONA office here… We sponsored Maykol through Compassion UK, for whom we made an appeal film in India, 2015. Once we saw how Compassion’s amazing work changes lives – we had to get involved!
Keeping it Green
We’re aware of our environmental impact on the planet. At the moment, we’re trying to make changes to our work like prioritising the use of re-chargeable batteries throughout our office and camera kits, reducing landfill and saving energy. Moreover, our office workflows are paperless, and any paper shredding is composted by staff.
#CSR #LoveLeatherhead