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Video production

Live action, animation, 3D photo realistic renders.

Virtual reality

360 and VR content designed to engage with audiences.

Webinars and live streaming

Online event experts, cost effective solutions for webinars.

TV ads

DRTV adverts, TV adverts and branded content.

Web apps

Expert developers at bespoke web apps for a multitude of applications.

Website development

Website design and build services.

Social media

Social media content, activation, and strategy.

Podcast production

Audio and video podcast experts in production and publication.


Creative thinking around your strategic challenges.


Whilst we work across all sectors we are specialists in a few areas

Creating engaging but compliant content in the Finance sector. From DRTV adverts to web apps and recruitment.


Understanding the unique needs of the not-for-profit and charity sector, content needs to deliver.


Experts in Healthcare comms for over 12 years. With hundreds of projects under our belt.


We are multi award winning at membership communications because we understand the unique challenges in the membership sector.


Creating engaging but compliant content in the Finance sector. From DRTV adverts to web apps and recruitment.


Understanding the unique needs of the not-for-profit and charity sector, content needs to deliver.


Experts in Healthcare comms for over 12 years. With hundreds of projects under our belt.


We are multi award winning at membership communications because we understand the unique challenges in the membership sector.

Video production

Live action, animation, 3D photo realistic renders.

Virtual reality

360 and VR content designed to engage with audiences.

Webinars and live streaming

Online event experts, cost effective solutions for webinars.

TV ads

DRTV adverts, TV adverts and branded content.

Web apps

Expert developers at bespoke web apps for a multitude of applications.

Website development

Website design and build services.

Social media

Social media content, activation, and strategy.

Podcast production

Audio and video podcast experts in production and publication.


Creative thinking around your strategic challenges.

Case Study Films for STAAR

6th November 2023

By admin_Liquona


Case studies have always been a hugely effective way of building trust and brand recognition.

The reason being…humans love stories.

And if we see the truth in someone’s eyes or hear it in their voice we will go on a journey with them and trust them.

A narrative arc is important in a case study video.  We need to sympathise or understand their problem and then hear about the resolution – thanks to the product or service offering.

If we see that the person interviewed is genuine, it’s extremely powerful and the Call to Action at the end can be hugely successful.  





STAAR Surgical is an organisation that designs, develops, manufactures & markets implantable lenses for the eye.  These lenses are intended to provide visual freedom to patients, lessening or eliminating the reliance on glasses or contact lenses.

We had dual clients – working with STAAR Surgical & a number of eye clinics.   They wanted to create a series of case study films to spread the word about how effective the product is and how it can help people.  2,000,000 lenses have been sold worldwide but in the UK the market isn’t as established – so we were instructed to help build the UK brand.  The clinics also wanted to build trust in their surgeons & showcase their clinics. Ultimately, they all wanted to direct interested people to more detailed information about the procedure on their websites.




We knew that the key would be finding and drawing out those stories that were emotive & compelling.

We did pre-interviews with the contributors to build rapport and to work out how to tell their story in a visual way – by establishing potential activities we could film and filming locations.  It was also crucial to determine key story points that we knew we wanted to draw out in the interview on the filming day.

We gave slightly different treatments to our two most recent case studies.

Khansa had filmed blogs of her whole journey to getting the procedure done which were incredibly real and authentic – so we wanted to use these along with newly filmed interview and reconstructed scenes.  To make the styles match we decided on a hand held filming style for everything but the interview.




We came up with a 24 Hours in A&E style where Khansa looks straight down the camera lens to talk direct to the viewer via a piece of kit called an Eye Direct.  She can see the director’s face in the camera lens so it feels more relaxing as she’s talking to a real person.  We then threaded in her blog footage and extra scenes throughout the interview.  We made sure she wore the same outfits, as in her blog, for continuity.



Katerina hated herself in glasses and lacked confidence when wearing them.  She also found them extremely restrictive when at work and playing with her son.  This was the heart of her story and we drew this out in a simple interview style that allowed her to reflect on this emotively.  You can hear the passion and truth in her voice when she talks about how the ICL procedure has been life changing for her and her son and this is extremely powerful.




We also peppered her interview with arty shots of Kat training in the gym and playing with her son so that the viewer can see the difference this eye procedure has made to her.




On Khansa’s film: Wow, this is a wonderful video!! I love it.

On Kat’s film: Wowzers love it!  Thanks for all yours and the Liquona team’s hard work, fun and creativity. And we’ve had very positive feedback from HQ in California on this video: “Bravo – this is one of the most powerful EVO ICL testimonials I’ve ever seen. Perhaps we can use it globally.”  This is high praise indeed, so thanks for all your creativity and efforts on both of these excellent pieces.




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