22nd February 2012
By admin_Liquona
It’s been a while since our last one of these and countless great music videos and adverts have popped up. The Superbowl ad’s were a particular highlight of the past month, as they usually are. But there were also a lot of great creative videos too and with that in mind here’s the first of those…
A great video that has clearly taken a lot of time and effort and looks awesome. Cities around the world would be so much more awesome with invisible coasters no?
This is a great little film showcasing a interesting and skilled new film making technique in which the camera operator holds the lens in front of the camera rather than attaching it fully which leads to some great natural ‘film burn’ effects as well as some interesting focus effects.
A couple of superb car based music videos for you now. The first is from the band that is legendary for their incredibly creative and awesome music videos. Ever since their infamous first big attempt involving the treadmills they’ve been constantly trying to out do themselves. Well this time they may have done it. Apparently taking over 4 months to prepare and countless takes (but then what OK Go video is going to be done within two takes) this video features them driving about in the desert with a specially prepared car and circuit that well… let’s just say the driving makes the music.
I’m not exactly the biggest fan of this song, but the video is something else. Probably in my top ten of videos of all time. It’s cool, there’s some great shots (check MIA lying on top of a moving car whilst two-wheeling), some cool dance routines and more. Well worth a watch.
We’d like to think this’ll be a new feature in Photoshop CS6 😉
Bit of a geeky one this but if you’re fans of the Battlefield 3 video game you may enjoy this.
So the Grammy awards happened weekend before last and fellow Brit Adele scooped up more awards than she could hold but also office fave Bon Iver won a couple of awards, much to the displeasure of people not knowing who he is or how to pronounce his name correctly which lead to this great video being created.
This video by Ecotricity is trying to promote the use of green energy sources in various countries that still use Fossil Fuels and Nuclear. It’s a great ad and well worth watching but it makes us feel sorry for the power stations and smoke stacks rather than them being bad for us and we’re meant to be glad they’re gone. Great concept but a missed goal we feel.
Another sketch from Barats and Bereta. This time featuring lumberjacks and all the plays on that word.
This hilarious video features a man with a massive mullet wig (or at least we hope it’s a wig) and some very tight leather trousers playing that legendary saxophone riff from George Michael song ‘Careless Whisper’ in inappropriate places like shopping malls and lecture halls. Enjoy!