16th January 2012
By admin_Liquona
Our first best of the web collection since the Christmas and there were lots of lots of videos that we’ve all found in the break, but since we’re continually busy this is the first chance we’re actually able to show you all.
This will probably sit among some of the best satire I’ve ever seen. An incredibly cutting video about the current use of Photoshop in the beauty industry.
One of YouTubes better series’ Epic Rap Battles of History asks the viewers to pit two characters, fictional or real, and makes them fight. Thankfully not in a OTT Deadliest Warrior kind of way but battle with words. Yep, there’s a whole series of rap battles featuring historical figures like Justin Bieber vs Beethoven, Genghis Khan vs The Easter Bunny and Darth Vader vs Adolf Hitler. All are gems especially the Bieber vs Beethoven one but one of my favourites thus far has been the Abe Lincoln vs Chuck Norris rap battle video. Enjoy!
Another great video from one of my favourite YouTube sketch acts. A great mickey take of the action film bad guys that over-react after they get shot.
College Humour is well known for bringing the funny on the web and their constant stream of new videos can brighten anyones day. This video is part of a trilogy having fun with the Chris Nolan batman series. This one where he choses his voice is brilliant! The Gollum and John Malkovich impressions are quality here.
A great video about a free runner in the fantastic town Mardin in Turkey. Clearly a town that inspired the architecture of the new Assassins Creed game. Oh and there’s backflipping pigeons…
An absolutely superb urban time-lapse of Russian capital Moscow. Some of the camera movements are incredible.
Not the biggest fan of this song, I am more fond of this live lounge version that features a string section and lots of backing vocals.