9th November 2011
By admin_Liquona
It’s been a little longer for this list to arrive but we at Liquona have been incredibly busy lately so haven’t really had the time to surf the web for cool stuff, even in our spare time! But here’s what we’ve collectively found over the past couple of weeks, hope you enjoy it.
Yes, we’ve posted a lot of Siri things these past couple of weeks, but there’s just so much out there now that the online comedians are starting to pick up on it. This brilliant sketch was brought to you by Laugh Pong.
An action packed and really funny tribute to Battlefield 3 and it’s medics armed with defibrillators. Plenty of time has been sank into this video production and it’s a joy to watch.
This funny video by YouTube comedians Barats and Bereta shows that Science doesn’t need to be boring or geeky.
A great time-lapse shot in Phillips car as he drives through Nevada, Arizona and then finally New Mexico for a shoot. He time lapses the whole journey. Wait until it gets dark then the film will begin to dazzle!
Another time-lapse video and this ones a bit less conventional. A pregnant couple take a picture every day for 9 months until the baby is born. Adorable!